

Nebraska Space Law Program to Liftoff

Looks like the cornhusker state's space law dreams are coming true. The University of Nebraska College of Law's new LL.M. program in space & telecommunications law has gotten the green light.

As the University confirmed: "the program was unanimously approved by the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education. Earlier, it had also been approved by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents and the law faculty. Both of those votes were also unanimous. Finally, the American Bar Association has acquiesced to the program. The ABA approves only J.D. degree programs, but their acquiescence was required to ensure that the new program did not interfere with the College's current J.D. degree program."

Congratulations from SLP to the law school and Professor Matt Schaefer, director of the new program. Matt took a few moments via e-mail to give us some details; he writes: "We will begin accepting applications sometime in November for a first year LL.M. class beginning Fall 2008. Required courses in the 24 credit degree program include space law, national security space law, international law, telecommunications law, international telecommunications law, researching space law, and a thesis requirement as well.

Students will have the opportunity to take 3 elective courses as well. We hired Marvin Ammori, previously at Georgetown, as our telecommunications law professor. We are in the hiring process for additional space law professors."

And Matt says lots of good stuff and a new web site are in the works. Almost makes me want to go to law school again. I said almost.

Meanwhile, Matt also reported that the law school's first space law event in March, which included General James Cartwright, former Commander USSTRATCOM and now vice-chair of the joint chiefs of staff as keynote speaker, was "quite successful for a first year conference." He said selected articles from the conference will be appearing in the Nebraska Law Review and the journal Astropolitics." I'll look forward to those. And yes, another conference is on tap for the Spring of 2008.

More updates from Nebraska to follow.

For now, go space

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