

Space at the Princeton Club

If you haven't already calendered this: here in the Big Apple on Oct 9th, the event that brings together industry folks, business gurus, lawyers and other hotshots from the satellite and financial worlds, ISIS NYC '07 takes place at a new venue this year, the venerable Princeton Club, 15 West 43rd Street (sort of halfway between Wall Street and my apartment on the Upper Westside; and as I recall, last time I viited the Club, years ago, was for lunch with Edward R. Finch in fact, author of Astrobusiness: A Guide to Commerce and Law of Outer Space. It was lovely.)

Among many noteworthy panels,
Del Smith of Jones Day, the firm that hosted ISIS last year, will be heading up the day's "signature session," the analyst's panel, which can be expected to cover lots of hot topics including satellite industry consolidation, investment in the VSAT sector, satellite TV, cable's VoIP, the telcos fiber rollout (don't ask me -- all I know about fiber appears on the back of a cereal box), digital video technologies, mobile broadcasting and more.

Be there. And be prepared to network, New Yawk style.

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