Very cool space law job

Really, I almost applied myself; however director Joanne Gabrynowicz confirmed that counsel hired would work on campus and couldn't telecommute from NYC. Oh well. Now I'm tempted to move. You will be too, if you're the smart, talented, lovable lawyer the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air, and Space Law might hire as its new research counsel. I'm jealous. ;)
Research Counsel - Position Announcement
Research Counsel - Position Announcement
THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SCHOOL OF LAW is seeking a Research Counsel for the National Center for Remote Sensing, Air, and Space Law (Center). The Center provides informational resources on the legal aspects of human activities using aerospace technologies. It conducts legal research on all aspects of remote sensing, space, aviation, and related technologies. The Center's Director is an internationally recognized expert in the field. The Center publishes the world renowned, 30 year old Journal of Space Law and conducts professional development and educational outreach activities including international conferences and seminars on campus, at distant locations, and via the Internet.
This is a professional nonsupervisory position in which the incumbent assists the Director in the publication of the Journal of Space Law and the design and administration of grant projects within the legal field. Incumbent performs and/or supervises heavy editing for the Journal of Space Law. Incumbent designs, coordinates and directs legal research efforts. Incumbent publishes and presents findings on such research; oversees the work of research staff. Incumbent gives presentations and consults with colleagues. Reports to the Director.
Applicants must have some knowledge of remote sensing, space, and/or aviation activities; a J.D. degree from an ABA accredited law school; and, must be able to obtain admission to practice law within the first 12 months of employment. The successful applicant must be able to work productively with individuals from all disciplines and across institutions as well as with other not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Some local, national and/or international travel may be required from time to time. The successful applicant will also be an innovative, enthusiastic, and creative self-starter with excellent communication and people skills.
Work performed includes, but is not limited to: establishing, supervising, and following through on Journal of Space Law publication schedules; designing, directing and conducting legal efforts; assigning research projects, and following through on publication progress; providing training in research methods; submitting articles to law review and journal editorial boards; responding to requests for information from editors regarding articles; drafting memoranda, reports, and articles outlining results of research publishing and/or presenting research results; researching and preparing briefs of law on specific legal issues requested by local, state, and federal agencies; ranking projects in accordance with grant proposals and public interest; assigning portions of research to other unit members and researchers; representing the Center at meetings; serving as liaison between the Center and other University departments; planning, coordinating, and conducting presentations and/or training seminars regarding legal issues; performing personnel functions including, but not limited to hiring, training, and assisting research staff; supervising and overseeing the work of researchers; performing related or similar duties as required or assigned.
For more information and to apply, go online to jobs.olemiss.edu. Interested persons should submit resume/vitae, reference, and writing sample. The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer.