FAA seeks space safety report

By way of background, under a provision of the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004, FAA must submit a report analyzing safety issues related to launching humans into space to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and the House of Representatives Committee on Science by December 23, 2008 (which is 4 years from the day of CSLAA's enactment).
(The Offer-SIR is set-aside exclusively for non-profits, as required under CSLAA.)
It's a very interesting contract. Here's FAA's description of the work:
The report will analyze and make recommendations about—
(1) the standards of safety and concepts of operation that should guide the regulation of human space flight and whether the standard of safety should vary by class or type of vehicle, the purpose of flight, or other considerations;
(2) the effectiveness of the commercial licensing and permitting regime under chapter 701 of title 49, United States Code, particularly in ensuring the safety of the public and of crew and space flight participants during launch, in-space transit,
orbit, and reentry, and whether any changes are needed to that chapter;
(3) whether there is a need for commercial ground operations for commercial space flight, including provision of launch support, launch and reentry control, mission control, range operations, and communications and telemetry operations through all phases of flight, and if such operations developed, whether and how they should be regulated;
(4) whether expendable and reusable launch and reentry vehicles should be regulated differently from each other, and whether either of those vehicles should be regulated differently when carrying human beings;
(5) Whether the Federal Government should separate the promotion of human space flight from the regulation of such activity;
(6) How third parties could be used to evaluate the qualification and acceptance of new human space flight vehicles prior to their operation;
(7) How nongovernment experts could participate more fully in setting standards and developing regulations concerning human space flight safety; and
(8) Whether the Federal Government should regulate the extent of foreign ownership or control of human space flight companies operating or incorporated in the United States.
The government estimates this work will take approximately 2,300 person hours.
Interested? Submit your proposal by September 6, 2007.
(The final report is due on Sept. 23, 2008.)
Get busy.