Nebraska Space Law Conference

Let's make some: Professor Matt Schaefer, Director of University of Nebraska College of Law's Space and Telecommunications Law Initiative sends this invitation to UNL's Space & Telecom Law Conference, "Security and Risk Management in a New Space Era: Military, Commercial and Tourism Dimensions," in Lincoln, Nebraska, March, 2, 2007, marking the treaty's anniversary year.
Sounds super. And look who'll be in Lincoln for the event. UNL has set for itself the goal of becoming a space law powerhouse, and indeed the school has made important friends in the field. Take a look at the agenda (and note the military time as listed, that's probably for the local Nebraska STRATCOM folks, who of course, are always punctilious):
Security and Risk Management in a New Space Era:
Military, Commercial and Tourism Dimensions
40th Anniversary of the Outer Space Treaty
University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law
Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday, March 2, 2007
8:45-9:00 Introductions/Welcome: Matt Schaefer, Professor of Law & Director of Space Law Initiative & Darren Huskisson, Chief, Cyber and Space Law, STRATCOM
9:00-9:45 Opening Address: General James E. Cartwright, USMC, Commander US Strategic Command -CONFIRMED
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-11:45 Panel 1: Military Dimensions: Protecting Systems and Using Military Power to Protect Civil, Commercial, and Tourist Operations, System Negation
Policy/Technology Intro: Col. Rob Fabian, Office Sec'y Defense-Space Policy
Panelist 1: Phil Meek, Associate General Counsel (International Affairs), Air Force General Counsel's Office
Panelist 2: Darren Huskisson, Chief, Cyber and Space Law, STRATCOM
Panelist 3: Col. Patrick Gleeson, Canada
Commentator: Eligar Sadeh, Professor, University of North Dakota Space Studies Dept.
11:45-13:15 Lunch - ITAR Debate
13:15-15:00 Panel 2: Commercial/Telecommunications Dimensions: Managing Risks, Securing Assets
Telecom/Geostationary Orbit/Orbital Debris Developments: Ram Jakhu, Professor, McGill University Institute of Air and Space Law
Financing Developments/UNIDROIT: Hal Burman, Legal Advisor's Office, US State Dept.
Commercial Remote Sensing Developments: Joanne Gabrynowicz, Director, Remote Sensing and Space Law Center, University of Mississippi
Insurance Developments: Pamela Meredith, Co-Chair, Space Law Practice Group, Zuckert, Scoutt, and Rasenberger
Property Rights/IPR Protection Developments: Wayne White, former Board Member, National Space Society
Commentator: June Edwards, NASA/STRATCOM
15:00-15:15 Break
15:15-17:00 Panel 3: Tourism/Transportation Dimensions
Passenger/Crew Safety & Experimental Space Craft Permit Developments: Laura Montgomery, Chief Counsel's Office, FAA Commercial Space Transportation
Legal Aspects of Space Tourism: Frans von der Dunk, Director, Space Law Research, International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University (Netherlands)
Legal Aspects of Space Tourism: Stephan Hobe, Director, Air and Space Law Institute, University of Cologne
Tort Law Issues for Human Spaceflight: Tracey Knutson, Knutson & Associates (Alaska)
17:00-18:30 Reception
Go ahead and register, and find yourself a hotel in the Prairie Capital City. Prof. Schaefer will let us know about possible webcasting of the event (undecided as of this posting); he will also be making available on the Web talks and papers of the conference.