Friday Flybys - 12.01.06
I also grabbed a crosstown bus over to techie, cool SATCON 2006 at Javits for the latest on satellites and content delivery (but not much satellite law), narrowly averting the disaster of walking into the wrong event. (Apparently the annual dentists' convention was in town too, which jammed the convention hall with dentists as well as satellite geeks. And who do we think was having more fun?)
ULA comes alive: It's official. Love the antitrust implications of it or not, "the production, engineering, test and launch operations associated with U.S. government launches of Boeing Delta and Lockheed Martin Atlas rockets" are now ULA's business.
According to RIA Novosti the Moscow City Court extended the pre-trial detention of Russian space executive Igor Reshetin who is charged with embezzlement and illegal transfer of state-controlled technology to China.
More work for space lawyers? Speaking at an Indian Law Institute seminar this week, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chairman G. Madhavan Nair said international space law is losing its relevance in light of new developments in space. He called for his country to 'to build a strong legal group to take up space science in a forceful manner.' Sounds fine. But then he went so far as to proclaim, "There is a need to replace the entire set of treaties by a comprehensive space law." Hmm. Replace the entire set? Let the world community get right on it. Meanwhile, I would look forward to hearing more on his ideas for this undertaking. (For now, we'll look forward to the 58th International Astronautical Congress, Sept. 2007 in Hyderabad, India.)
If you haven't checked out the newly remodeled and repositioned FAA/AST web page, you can still get there with the old address.
And if you know someone who has been nice, not naughty, and wishes for a space law book for the holidays, here's a brand new title: Space Law (Library of Essays in International Law) by Robert McCorquodale, Paul B. Larsen (editor), Francis Lyall (editor). Its publication date is Dec 31, 2006, but you can pre-order a copy today. (Only $275.)
Space advocates call on Congress to support and expand NASA's Centennial Challenges program. (SpaceRef)
It's probably a testament to the space tourism industry that recognition of its validity has grown to the point where scammers are now attempting to market "reports" on the business for $2,000. (Personal Spaceflight blog.)
Nader Elhefnawy explains his concerns about US policy on weapons in space. (The Space Review)
Next week, the AIAA's 2nd Space Exploration Conference, Dec. 4-6, in Houston.
Also next week, here on SLP: an invitation to a space law gathering in Nebraska; your chance to comment on a draft Unidroit treaty, and more.
Nobody called any space lawyers about a golf ball falling out of orbit.
To Professor Reynolds' students who handed in their space law papers for the semester, good luck!
Most of all, to the tiny and mighty QUIN L.R., Nov. 21, 2006, 7 lbs. 11 oz. -- your Auntie loves you!