Space security: both sides now
Here's a selection of goodies, for your reading pleasure (pdf only):
Global Missle Defense for the 21st Century, Ambassador Henry F. Cooper, chairman, High Frontier
Policy and Legislative Options for Parliamentarians Regarding Possible Deployment of Further Military Capabilities in Outer Space, prepared by the law faculty at the Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL), McGill University, Montreal, Canada (June 2005)
Background Paper: "Peaceful" and Military Uses of Outer Space: Law and Policy, also by the IASL faculty (Feb. 2005)
U.S. Military Space Policy and Strategy Presentation to the e-Parliament Conference on Space Security, Theresa Hitchens, Vice President, Center for Defense Information
US Military Transformation US Military Transformation and Weapons in Space, Dr. Everett Dolman, U.S. Air Force's School of Advanced Air and Space Studies
Safeguarding Space Security: missile defence and the challenge for Europe, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy
Right. And now that you've studied the documents and replayed the webcast, you can make up your own mind.