Here in blogspace, stuff piles up fast...
First, a lovely video of FAA/AST chief Patti Grace Smith giving an excellent talk this Wednesday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on space tourism regulations, followed by Q&A. (3/28/07) (Some of the audio cuts out but most of it is fine.) Enjoy. (I love the way she says "temporarily uninvolved public." Sooner or later, everyone will fly...) Herb Bachner also accompanied Ms. Smith and took a few questions.
By the way, commenting on the increase in interest of many states in establishing their own spaceports, Patti noted, "I am happy today not to have the problem of a launch site proposed from Manhattan." (Alas, some of us native Mahattanites do want a spaceport here. Well, maybe upstate? To my knowledge, the new governor has never gone on the record to dismiss the possibility....)
If you don't have a chance to view the CSIS presentation, Clark at HobbySpace also posted Patti's prepared statement, including her update on rulemaking re experimental permits regs.
(By the way SLP seconds the suggestion raised at CSIS that Patti go on Oprah to talk about space tourism!)
Same day as of the CSIS event, over at the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee a hearing took place on "Transitioning to a Next Generation Human Space Flight System." Here are the remarks.
Speaking of New York, as you've heard, the Space Investment Summit happens right in the heart of the financial district in NYC, April 16 - 17, 2007. Looking over the agenda, I see in the session on general investment topics, space law Art Dula will speak on legal and regulatory issues. Yes, space business and NYC. Works for me. (I've got a metrocard.)
Over in Vienna this week, the International Institute of Space Law (IISL) and the European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) sponsored a symposium on "Capacity building in space law", which focused on issues of teaching and training. Here is a collection of papers and powerpoints. Good stuff.
Also released during the Legal Subcommittee's ongoing 46th session, (live from Vienna) -- this year's roundup on the Status of International Agreements relating to Activities in Outer Space.
Whoops. Thanks to a ridiculously botched pleading drafted by federal prosecutors, looks like convicted tax fraudster telecom tycoon Walter Anderson may have some extra cash on hand after serving his nine year prison term after all. (U.S. v. Anderson, 05-00066, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (Washington)).(Declan O'Donnell, Esq. also spoke about this case on The Space Show earlier this month.)
VOTE YES ON APRIL 3rd! Good luck to Spaceport America. (Hat tip: Jack Kennedy's Spaceports blog.)
And the Virginia General Assembly is slated to vote on the shiny new spaceflight immunity bill on April 4th. (Even Jon Goff likes the bill ;) (Of course, some SW Virginia law blog termed it, "Best new immunity in Title 8.01.")
And yes, the definition of "suborbital," originally included in HB 3184, is eliminated in the governor's amendment. Good. Limit the liability, not the destination.
Good news for New Orleans from Rocketplane-Kistler and NASA. (via HobbysSpace)
This blog is not Space Defense Probe, but if military satellites are your bag of chips, the inaugural issue of Milsat magazine is now online. (Fascinating technology.)
When flaming pieces of space junk from a Russian satellite coming out of orbit narrowly miss hitting a jetliner over the Pacific Ocean, space lawyers may (or may not?) be standing by. (Via Instapundit.) (Thank goodness no damage or injuries.)
If the 50th anniversary of the space age is a big thing, how about the 200th birthday of NOAA, 1807 - 2007? Here are some videos on our National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.
In honor of NOAA, wishing everyone good space and earth weather this weekend. ;)
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"...Space flight, which has been almost exclusively a spectator sport since it began, is about to open the gates to public participation. What a remarkable development that is. People who are not pilots, not scientists, not military officers, not specialists and, so far, not astronauts, will be able to take a ride to space. It will all be made possible by private entrepreneurs, investing their own resources in their own dreams and inviting the public to buy a ticket and join them."
--Patti Grace Smith, FAA/AST
// posted by Jesse Londin @
7:50 PM