

Glenn Space

Ahh. Even though, as everyone from blogspace to beyond the Virgo Supercluster knows by now, Professor Reynolds accidentally wrote a book this year that, alas, is not a follow-up to his famous treatise, Outer Space: Problems of Law and Policy, nor is it about space law or space at all, (yes, the new bestseller, An Army of Davids, is coming in March), clearly the prof keeps his eyes on space and has the space bug, same as ever. In his last TCS Daily column of the year, the professor pops off with a little Insta-spacepunditry with a look back at 2005: A Space Odessey. Because, well, he can't resist.

(And we love that about him.)

Space enthusiasts, God knows, have seen plenty of disappointment in the past few decades, as the brief false dawn of Apollo led to years of failed promises and no visible momentum. But we're now seeing signs of new technologies -- and, just as important, new systems of organization -- that make a takeoff into sustained growth much more likely for the space sector. Prizes to develop technology, space tourism to develop markets and help us move up the learning curve, and people with the money and vision to provide the seed capital for both: The essentials now look to be in place. It's about time.

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UPDATE: I just came upon the same hot GHR quote posted on Transterrestrial Musings. (Not to brag, but many bloggers consider it a good sign when it appears they are starting to think like Rand Simberg.)

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