

Hot Summer Space Law Dates

While you're planning, enjoying and recovering from your summer weekends, vacations and getaways (and I realize this applies only to SLP readers in the Northern hemisphere), here are a few dates in space law (and related biz) to fit into your calendar for the next few months. You know, in between boating, biking, hiking, surfing, swimming, sunning, fishing, lounging, etc., etc. (What no blogging?) And please, don't let me interrupt.

First, a few events ongoing as I post:

  • Flight School 07 June 20-22, 2007 Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado -- "Esther Dyson's third annual workshop for start-ups and investors in the emerging markets for private air and commercial space travel." Wish I was there. (Regards from SLP to Esther Dyson and her high-powered friends gathered in Aspen.)

  • Washington Space Business Roundtable, (if you're in the neighborhood today) June 21, 2007, "Expendable Launch Vehicles (ELV): Evolution, Modernization, Opportunities, and Competition" Speaker: Daniel J. Collins, COO United Launch Alliance (ULA)

    And then...

  • International Conference on Air Transport and Space Activities, June 24-27, 2007, Beijing, China; hosted by the Institute of Air and Space Law, Faculty of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law. (I don't see a website for this, however globe-trotting Prof. Joanne Gabrynowicz is an invited "distinguished speaker," -- send her a note, I'm sure she'd happily supply additional info: spacelaw@olemiss.edu.) (Tell her 你好 from SLP!)

  • 6th European Space Policy Workshop June 26, 2007, Interdisciplinary Centre for Space Studies at KU Leuven, Belgium.

  • NewSpace 2007 July 18-21, 2007, Washington, DC. Way cool.

    And of course September (at least part of it) is still in summer (at least in the northern hemisphere) . . .

  • 16th ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy September 3-14, 2007, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
    My kind of summer school.

  • SPACE 2007 Sept. 18-20, 2007 Long Beach, California; not just law, but includes policy panels, a session on space law chaired by Mark Simonoff of the State Department and lots more.

  • Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition -- 2007 World Finals (Emeralda v Mazonia) Sept. 28, 2007; the world semi-finals and world finals, judged by three sitting members of the International Court of Justice, will take place at the International Institute of Space Law's annual colloquium at the 58th International Astronautical Congress, in Hyderabad, India. Good luck, everyone!

    And if we dare contemplate the inevitability of October . . .

  • ABA Forum on Air & Space Law Annual Meeting & Program, October 3–5, 2007, Peabody Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee (and this is the forum's second big get-together scheduled for 2007, following the Washington, DC gathering in February). I'll link agenda and speaker info when all that becomes available.

  • Civil Society and Outer Space Forum 2007, Oct. 8-9, 2007, Vienna, Austria, organized by the Conference of Non-governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO). A little civility goes a long way.

  • Space Generation Congress 2007, Sept 20-22, 2007, Hyderabad, India. Young spacefarers unite. ;)

  • Third International Symposium for Personal Spaceflight (ISPS 2007), Oct. 24-25, 2007, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Much more than just the X PRIZE Cup kickoff.

  • Wirefly X PRIZE CUP '07 and Holloman Air & Space Expo, October 26-28, 2007, Alamogordo, New Mexico. Yeeha. For space cowboys and everyone.

    And much more to come.

    As always, update me with anything I should add, and more dates or announcements you'd like to see posted on SLP.

    For now, happy
    summer solstice 6/21/07, 18:06 GMT ;).
    * * *
  • IMAGE: Coney Island Boardwalk, Coney Island, Brooklyn, May 28, 2006, 5:34 p.m., courtesy Bridge and Tunnel Club

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