Space Money in Manhattan

As everyone knows, the Space Investment Summit took place in the Big Space Apple this week. No I didn't make it over there. Yes it was only a few short subway stops from my apartment. Of course Art Dula came all the way from Texas. I don't want to talk about it.
Sam Dinkin, who does get around, was back on Transterrestrial Musings posting a series of blog reports from the summit, which Clark collected on Hobbyspace here and here.
(I was also delighted to hear that while in town Sam treated Greg Olsen to a cab ride. Sam asked the space traveler a question I have always wanted to ask someone who's been orbital: "Which is rougher, a Soyuz flight or a New York City cab ride?" Greg answered, "Both." Right. Next time we're all getting on the subway.)
I want to separately note Sam's post regarding Art Dula's called for reform of the Outer Space Treaty to cap the liability of signatory countries for any space accidents of their nationals. Indeed, just one of many ideas for OST updating and reform.
Also courtesy of HobbySpace, a perspective of the conference written by Charles Lurio, who called the event, "the most exciting - and possibly most significant - marker of progress in `New Space' that I've attended in years."
That's it, I have got to get out more. Either that or give my metrocard to that guy who asked me for a dollar on Third Avenue this afternoon.
(Plus I has a terrible dream that Clark posted a message saying he would be cutting back his time on Hobbyspace. Yiikes. Is this week over yet?)