

Weekend space law talk

In case you missed it this Saturday, after the frenzy last week over a certain fallen astronaut, Weekend America decided this would be a good time to briefly interview the Spacelawpundit himself about crimes in space. The professor good naturedly answered questions such as what would happen if Neil Armstrong held up Buzz Aldrin at gunpoint on the moon. Always a treat. Tune in to the radio segment here.

(The professor also surprised many listeners by not only acknowledging that he wrote a space law
casebook, he even knew the book's title.)

Asked about the Nowak case, Prof. Reynolds did comment, "A lot of experts think NASA is much too squeamish about dealing with the problems of sexuality among astronauts and how that might affect a long-duration mission...." He said astronaut sexuality is "a real issue" and "NASA is going to have to pay attention to it and be a little less shy about admitting that it may exist in the future."

And unless I misunderstood, the professor appeared to offer his services as some kind of consultant on these sorts of issues for a prime-time soon-to-be Emmy-winning TV space related legal drama. (Law Trek? Space Law & Order?) How cool.

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