Friday Flybys (vol. 6)
And just in time, Google Answers meticulously calculates the cost of sending the EU constitution aloft. (Isn't this fun?)
Q&A on commercial space in The Times of India includes big cheers for asset-based financing of space assets. (Link via Curmudgeons Corner.)
Need a break from law practice? No doubt inspired by the Bush-Putin summit this week, NASA has posted a solicitation for translation and editing of key documents in Soviet space history. (Link via SpaceRef.) Say nostrovia to your clients and go for it.
Or, here's another option: I assume even lawyers are eligible to compete for the newly announced prize in space journalism. To start things off, a tough panel of judges will include the prize's sponsor, Sam Dinkin, along with Jeff Foust and Clark Lindsay. (And if
you want to win over Clark straight away, write something about the human exodus from Africa, or the Polynesian colonization of the Pacific islands as metaphor for space colonization. Ah, the poetry of it all.)
And yes, I will have fries with that. Rocket Jones' gives me a wicked jones for some space food recipes. Yummeroo.